ReSail Upcycled Jewelry è partner della IV Women’s Sailing Cup per AIRC.
Chi è ReSail ?
Three women, two big loves, one idea.
How ReSail was born.
Vi presentiamo Yanna, Magda, Anastasia.
Sono le tre creative e veliste greche che si sono innamorate del progetto Women’s Sailing Cup & Academy per AIRC e
hanno creato gioielli appositamente per le vincitrici della regata WSC2019.
Benvenute a bordo ragazze!
Welcome on board great girls!!!
Voi buttate le cose… e noi le ricicliamo e le trasformiamo in gioielli!
Our Story
Three women, two big loves, one idea.
How ReSail was born. We knew each other for a long time, through the Nautical Club of Thessaloniki. One sunny July afternoon, when they say that anything you think of is realized, we made a decision. We were three women, of different backgrounds but with common love for sailing, who decided to follow their grand dream of creating beautiful objects. Whatever it would take. To us, it was enough that it was reaching out to the sea. This is the story of an architect, an economist and a light designer. This is our story.